Thursday, January 1, 2009

The figure goes up by one. It is 2009.

It is already 2009. What does it has to offer me? Or what I have in my mind to paint this year into a more colourful one? There is definitely some, I suppose and hope. Song Yeu asked me few times on my new year resolution. I could not answer him on the spot as I didn't put any thoughts in it. Honestly I don't do such things in the past. Maybe I am lack of direction due to my habit of happy-go-lucky. Somehow after witnessed so many things last year, I guess I should have do more preparation for myself in years to come. So here it goes,

  1. To have more passion in everything I am doing or involve,
  2. To learn and equip myself with more new skills.

That should be it. I guess when one puts all his or her heart into something, the outcome should be wonderful. And that is what I am looking for this year. My passion towards everything.

Last year was painted blue. Hopefully this year will be more vibrant.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
- M. K. Gandhi

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