Friday, January 23, 2009

What does a pack of instant noodle tells?

Thanks Seng and Dy. Thanks for the visit and also the encouragement.

Lately was busy with my examination and Chinese New Year preparation. So what do I missed while I getting my hands busy with those? Jhing Sun's party, badminton games with Yuen Han and what else? I do not know perhaps someone can tell me.

Something popped up in my mind while I was making myself midnight snack the other day. I were initially burning the midnight oil on the eleventh hour like the usual. I went to cook myself instant noodle, you see. While waiting for the water to boil, I thought to myself, why do I have to put the noodle first then only the seasoning? Was it because of the instruction given? Or it has become a norm among us as a general knowledge since we saw our seniors do so?

Curiosity rose to its peak and I tried the other way round. The outcome? No difference. The instant noodle tasted just like an instant noodle should taste. Though the taste is the same but the progress is different. This may seems nothing much but to me it gives an insight that I will lesser contradict myself when I should come to a situation where I need to take different steps to achieve the similar outcome. And who knows the outcome may turn out to be a big bang in a good way.

Should you be the minority or majority, its all up to yourself. But being a minority among the majority surely attracts the queer eyes.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone.

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