Monday, December 29, 2008

Another Lane Built. A Memorable One.

Christmas passed quietly this year. At least to myself. Does not really feel the celebration is in the air though. Recession does play a part in this I suppose. Anyway it was Christmas and now it going to be New Year. Like what many people will do, let me look back at what and where I have been and did.

Beginning of the year 2008 was not something special to me. Typical Tunku Abdul Rahman College's exam timetable, I had to sit for my papers before the Chinese New Year but I don't make any fuss on it since I get to go back to my home everyday unlike my friends from outstation. The CNY itself was the usual, went back to my dad's hometown and stayed there for a week time. The only special moment I had during the time spent in Cameron was my first and probably last ride on their local bus. Something is about the ride. Reminiscences of Tung Fong 114, my first ride on buses during my childhood. Sweet ride for the Cameron and sweat ride for the Tung Fong. Ha ha...but it is damn nice for both of it.

Some time in March went for Jay Chou concert in Stadium Merdeka. Free tix from Suan's brother. Well not really a fan of Jay, but attended it to see and experience myself. Saw funny things on how those 'mui mui zhai' fans move and sing along with him. Especially those pair of chubby ones sat in front of me. Chung Seng attended as well, only his seat is better than mine. Not to forget was Kar Wai's birthday party.

Mid of the year always tell us more outing. More late nights, more laughter, more money spent and more dumb jokes. Oversea Kohs were back for their holidays. That explains all.

The China Olympic 2008 bears another meaning to me as well. The rise and fall, the excitement and hopes, the dreams fulfilled and shattered, it makes me like an Olympian as well. Me and my family. Not going to elaborate further on this. =)

Jyh Gau wore square hat on November 8th. He looks so smart in it. As he always been. Ha ha...

There are still lots more to mention if you asked. But how am I able to put up all of those? I am not that good with words, I fear it will be too long and it bore my friends. So I left it to myself for the rest. Memories of 2008.

The year 2008 only left few more days to go. Not much time left but let's makes it a happy time to ends it. God bless everyone that I love.

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