Friday, May 22, 2009

Short post

Internship ended 2 weeks ago and now only I blog something about it. Memang kanasai punya attitude. Ha ha...Anyway nothing much to say about it la except boredom from the same routine everyday. Consider myself lucky for the chances to get my hands on things that related to my profession and not being a despatch boy or photostater. And of course, some other things that I learnt through observance and self awakening. LOL that sounds like lebih-lebih.

Enough with the boring internship. Celebrated Chung Seng's birthday last week. Hope the surprise that we planned does really gives him a surprise eh. Ke ke ke...sorry guys for so many changes to the original plan and no time to brief you all on the last minutes plan till some of you doubted that it is not working at all. The idea struck on my tweji brain while I was on my way to fetch Suan Lin and Valerie and thats how late it comes. Ha ha...see even while I am driving I still thinking about it. Anyway I believe those who hid in his room sure did frighten him, right? Photos of that night should be available soon. ^^