Monday, August 25, 2008

The positive Me. Opportunity.

It will not makes us die for sure. It will never be. Never be the end for us.

Truly they are so influential and strong in many ways. Able to solve all this big cases in such a short and pressured time is not an easy task, especially when the things have gone so bad. Awfully bad if I have to stress it.

I have tried to view this from another perspective and I am quite likely to accept this like I have already been. Not that I am deceiving myself to get over it, instead I am being positive like I used to and in looking for more reasons to support it.

This whole incident is an opportunity. An opportunity which has bring us closer. A lot closer than the past. Never had so much time spent together. Taking care the needs and feeds. In the end of the day, it unites us to generate a stronger bond. Back to back to face the worst outcome from all directions. It can be quite terrifying to hear all those. But this will be a valuable time for us to grow up. I don't know the rest but surely I will appreciate what had been done and what has been doing. Though it sounds very strangely but to me, it happens at a good timing as before it is too late to shape me.

There was once I told myself I needed few outside factors to push myself higher or to change the unwanted attitude in me. Precisely 3 of them that I given it some thought. Right now 2/3 of the possible factors have already taken place. The last one of course I don't wish it to happen. Something I don't wish to see before myself shows some good achievement.

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