Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My short filled holidays.

Whoa in a blink of eyes it is my last week of holiday. Time pass so fast eh. Like gone in 60 seconds that fast. Lol.

Anyway college is starting new week but timetable is still not yet out for us. I mean for the School of Technology. Others already posted up in the net. So slow one ar you all technology people. Disgrace betul. Nama saja terrer tapi bukan tangan. Ceh.

Spent my first week of holiday on internship hunting. Ha ha successfully got myself a place in one firm in Cheras Business Centre. It seems to me it is a Chinese firm since I don't see any other race there. But that was just a quick glance in the office. It is not big either personally felt but everything start from bottom isn't it. Lecturer kept telling us big firm is good small firm got less to learn. I am so totally disagree with him actually. Just like how people kept telling me unfair things about TARC. Seriously not that I am siding TARC because I am a student there but because I am there experiencing it. Though it is not that bad as many thought it would be there are still have lots of room for improvement. Getting back on the internship, small firm definitely have their own advantages and I am so going to find it out to prove myself right. Let’s hope I will succeed and tell the story from other sides.

That was my main concern on this semester break. To get myself a place for internship. What else I did? Let's go briefly go through it.

Wira is fixed. The air conditioner is running fine and cold. Ha ha totally in love with it. Heart Denso very much.

'Dissected' my brother's wardrobe. Due to termites infestation the top part has to be cut and thrown. Took us 3 days to reconstruct it and function able. Get to play the electrical saw and witnessed the nature best wood architect's artwork. Ha ha that day I murdered thousand of lives.

Did some gardening and this project is still going on. Ha ha the rain prevented me to further my soil digging and fertilizing the plants. Hey don't think wrongly. I am a civilized young man who uses processed fertilizer.

Yea that's all folks.

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