Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Square Hat

This is not something new but it will makes me a new post. So don't say I post up such outdated news as I am not that happening like you all la. Ha ha...this was actually something happened about two weeks ago. Ka ka ka ka...let the photos speak of what had took place on 08/Nov/2008.

Kenny Lee 'n' Jyh Gau

Ernest Lee 'n' Jyh Gau

Jyh Gau 'n' Valerie Lim

Jhing Sun 'n' Jyh Gau

Myself and the man of the day, Jyh Gau

The guys with Jyh Gau
Left to right : Me, Song Yeu, Jyh Gau, Jhing Sun (back), Kenny Lee (front) and Ernest Lee.

Yes, it is our well renowned Vegetable-Lorry-Racer a.k.a. 'Choi' Ceh Sau, Mr Lim Jyh Gau's convocation. Don't you be deceived by the lorry driven by him full with loads when his leg is full on pedal. He is fast, he deliver fresh vegetables in good piece at 180 kph on straight roads and tackle corners at 120 kph with one hand holding carrot. He is the ghost of the dawn that terrifies you with his prowess on the street. Yea he is the man. The first among us, Kohs to graduate.

Congratulation, Gau. You have done it. Now you are ermbarking into another phase of life. Wish you all the best in your endeavor. God bless you.

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