Thursday, October 30, 2008

A little bit of this and that.

Such terrible weather. Rained cats and dogs few days ago for weeks then now the sun takes over and does its best. Sitting under the fan, my butt also sweats ar. Really beh tahan.

Was having the normal conversation with Professor a.k.a. DJ Yeu. Was telling him I needed to go to take my bathe. And then this is what his replied.

Yeu - sucker
Yeu - go drown in the toilet

There I have it from our Professor Yeu. Guess he has a tough day. So it always understandable for us to know his hardship. But... but never that I thought he is able to come up with such idea to drown in the toilet. Such a unique way to commit suicide. Salute him.

Get to know many good things happened on one of my friend. Really tumpang gembira but at the same time feel boh song because didn't get invited to witness that moment. Anyway that is your pride man, keep it well. It is all yours.

Deepavali had passed by. And I am still waiting for murruku. Homemade candy is nice also. Less sweet and less colouring.

So does many of the birthdays in October. Happy Belated Birthday everyone. Ha ha ha...

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